2015 Deductions and Personal Exemptions

Below are the standard deductions, personal exemption phaseouts, and Pease Limitations.

The personal exemption per person is $4,000.

Filing Status Standard Deduction Amount
Single $6,300
Married Filing Jointly $12,600
Married Filing Separately $6,300
Head of Household $9,250
Surviving Spouse $12,600


Personal Exemption Phaseout:
Filing Status Phaseout Begins – Phaseout Complete
Single $258,250 – 308,750
Married Filing Jointly $309,900 – 432,400
Head of Household $284,050 – 406,550


Pease Limitations:
Filing Status Income
Single $258,250
Married Filing Jointly $309,900
Head of Household $284,050

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